Experience is Knowledge

Traveling is an experience in and of itself. Just taking our children to new places allows their views of the world to expand, their ability to accept others increase and their wonder to soar. What if I told you there is something we can do as parents to help our children beyond that?

Albert Einstein saw the value of experiences when he stated, “the only source of knowledge is experience.”

We have done everything we can not only to travel, but to give our children experiences where they are stretched and where they learn more about themselves, the world we live in and the people around them. Our children have learned many things including:

How to explore the earth:

Caving in Iceland

How to follow their dreams:

Nash became a falconer

How to be brave:

Paragliding over the Swiss Alps

Providing the experience is only the first part of the process to help our children be more and learn more. As parents we can encourage growth by teaching them to reflect on the experience. What does that mean? It means we give them an opportunity to contemplate how the experience relates to other aspects of their life. 

Reflecting on an experience is as easy as asking questions like;

“What did you learn from this experience?”

“How can you relate this experience to _____________ in your life?”

After an experience that pushes them to their limits of fear, a question such as, “I saw you were scared at first. How did you get yourself to do that?” “Are you glad you decided to do something so difficult?” “Next time you are faced with something that scares you do you think you might remember this experience?”

Canyoneering in The Subway

John Dewey, an American philosopher and educator said, “We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.” and “Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.”

Aiding our children to reflect on their experiences – good and bad – helps them begin connecting personal strengths with life experiences. This can lead to an increase in self-esteem, self worth and personal strength.

What do I hope to leave with my children? Wonderful memories and an increased sense of well-being and strength. Take time to visit with your children after having wonderful experiences together and allow them time to contemplate and grow.